
0.139 romset torrent
0.139 romset torrent

0.139 romset torrent

IMAME4all v1.6: Added full screen portrait. Lets play some vector games on full portrait (like tempest), also lets 3g users use real full portrait selecting 240x320 resolution without safe render path activated.

0.139 romset torrent

IMAME4all v1.7.1: Improved iON's iCade Support, Bringing iMame4all up to App Standards iMAME4all v1.7: Added support for iON's iCade mini cabinet, improved TV-OUT, improved touch controls. IMAME4all v1.8: Added iOS4 multitasking, analog touch stick, new skin, stick 2/4/8-way restrictors, stereo support, sound going out of sync fixed, fixed jerky gameplay and more. IMAME4all v1.8.1: iCade & iControlpad compatible button mapping, new A=B+X button option, menu fixes, layout changes. IMAME4all v1.9: key delay on game selection - eases game selection, added option to set Sound defaults and to choose iCade or iControlPad layout,sleep processor between inputs on game select screen, fixed multiple key presses problem and sound initialisation fixes.

0.139 romset torrent