Image Viewer shows most recent captured image including file name and size and image type and dimensions.Reset index counter to start count from one again.Shooting bracketing series, all image files will get same index with incrementing suffix.In “RAW+JPEG” mode both image files will get same index.Customize file name format and save folder and optionally hide file extension.Import captured images automatically into Aperture and iPhoto.Bracketing with an arbitrary number of shutter speeds and interval shooting.Trigger image capture via release button on camera body or remotely from your Mac.Automatically transfer all captured images instantly to you hard disk.Control you camera remotely from your Mac via USB.Nikon Photo Upload SoftwareĪuto import into Adobe Lightroom is provided by setting up Lightroom’s watch-folder feature. Optionally Aperture, iPhoto or Lightroom. Most recent models can be used with Sofortbild. Nikon produces a wide range of digital camera as digital SLR and digital compact cameras commonly known as coolpix series. Nikon photo picture recovery software is especially designed to recover NEF or JPEG format images captured with any Nikon camera. For years, you could access a built-in user manual via the Help menu found in Nikon’s photo. (The program is available for both Windows-based and Mac computers.) Getting help with Nikon software. Also make sure that your computer meets the software operating-system requirements. Older versions of the software lack support for D3500 files.

Browse the photos on your camera’s memory card and quickly download your favorites Share your favorite photos in-the-moment by text message, email or uploading to social sites Access your camera’s Live View and take pictures remotely.